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Worth Repeating ~ Join Us!

Original Release: 12/14/2020

Joseph Cicero '76 By: Joseph Cicero '76
Charles F. Brush Alumni Association

Brush Alumni Association memoribilia.

Have you ever wondered, "What is an Alumni Association?" "Why should I be a part of my high school alumni association?" "What do I have to offer my old high school?" Well these are some great questions... and hopefully, we can answer these and a few more for you... read on...

High school alumni groups have been around for many years. Individuals who attended private or parochial schools are very familiar with alumni groups. But public schools work harder to get their alumni engaged. The current Brush High School Alumni Association has been around since 1992 and over those years it has granted scholarships, managed scholarships for individual donors, and created the Wall of Achievement at Brush High School. We have been the keeper of Brush High School history and been a resource for many classes past and present.

The purpose of the Brush High School Alumni Association is to foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of our school community. Our alumni association exists to support the SEL school community, the graduates, parent organization's goals, and most importantly to strengthen the ties between alumni, the school, and the community at large.

Good alumni relationships bring many benefits to both the high school and the alumni. As graduates of Charles F. Brush High School, alumni have a special connection with the school and as a result are likely to be some of our more loyal supporters. An engaged alumni network allows Brush High School to benefit from the skills and experience of our graduates by offering their support to our students, to the SEL System, and to each other. Keeping properly informed and engaged, you, our alumni, are our most loyal supporters and our best ambassadors, offering invaluable marketing and promotion across your personal and professional networks.

As talented alumni, you likely have a wealth of experience and skills to share with current students via this newsletter. We welcome your submissions. In certain cases, this could go even further with alumni offering to practically support students in college and work placements and to help them launch their careers.

Because of their dedication and gratitude, the financial support of many alumni have contributed to life-changing scholarships for talented students who may otherwise have to give up their studies.

Having an engaged alumni network is beneficial to our high school and to the entire district. However, the benefit to us, as alumni, should not be overlooked. We have the opportunity to reconnect with friends, old and young, who were an important part of our growth into adults.

So, what does it mean to belong to an Alumni Association? For each of us it will be something different, but I can guarantee you that you will gain something.

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Information provided by:
The Charles F. Brush Alumni Association

5044 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124
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(216) 691-2108 🌐 🌐